CPD for Food Safety – The Importance of Keeping your CPD Up-To-Date

Anyone responsible for catering in an organisation, whether it’s a catering organisation or a catering role within another place of work, should know about food safety. 

Training in awareness of food hygiene can go a long way towards preventing health and safety problems.  There are some excellent online courses available which have been written by experts and can enlighten the learner to issues surrounding food safety and hygiene.  These courses can be taken at the learners own pace, ensuring maximum learning and retention of information. 

But for many roles requiring CPD evidence or points, it can be hard to find the right course – especially as the world has changed so drastically in the last few years.

With in-person courses no longer so viable – or in some cases, just not attractive – finding a suitable online course at an affordable price is essential. 

So if you’re looking for help with CPD for Food Safety – and have a budget – we’re here to help. You can go straight to the catalogue HERE, or read on to learn a bit more about the course subjects available.  

Allergen Awareness

People working in food and drink distribution should have an excellent awareness of allergens and how they may affect sufferers.  Some allergens are more common than others, but anything can cause an allergic reaction in a susceptible individual so it is important to know how to minimise risk by clear labelling of all foods and drink and avoiding cross contamination of potential allergens.

Anaphylaxis Awareness

Food allergy may lead to anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction which should be avoided by managing risk. Awareness of signs and symptoms and knowledge of risk factors can be taught in an online course. 

It is useful to know about the types of allergic reactions and how to recognise a reaction early in the process, as well as learning what the different kinds of allergic reactions are and the importance of recognising an anaphylactic reaction as quickly as possible.

There are 14 common sources of food allergies and some high-risk locations that people with some food allergies should avoid in order to remain safe. Food labelling and the what the legal requirements on companies are to do this should be fully understood, and an online course can provide the learner with all the necessary information.

Looking for more information? You can contact us HERE.

Ready to look through the catalogue of courses? You can do so HERE.